
Showing posts from January, 2022

Dont be bland have a plan

Location:  The location of the doesn't have a definite location per say. It is more so that the location of the film is multiple locations inside one main location. The main location being The hills of Inveraray apartment complex and the surrounding golf field area. The side location s being the golf courses the home of the characters and a basketball court all with in the residence.  Participants: There are about 4 participants within this film. the first of which being myself. I will play one of the characters within the film. That character being the older and often brutish older brother Dez. My little brother is also one of the actors of the film. He will be playing the conniving little brother. My father will be playing the father...Ironic isn't it(sarcasm). The last participant would be my sister of course but she doesn't play in this movie. She in fact is going to be the videographer/recorder of this film. If the film calls or it my sister me or my brother can be int

Planning: The tale of 2 brothers

The tale of two brothers The film starts out with establishing shots of the setting. This is done to give the viewer an idea of the area the film and action will take place. This takes place from about slide one to slide 3. On slide 4 we get a mid shot of he door right before the main characters a reached. From slide 5 to 6 we get a panning view of both of the main characters. There is an elder brother named Dez and and an younger brother name wellie. in this scene their both staring viciously towards each other. From slide 7 to 110 they are all close ups. 7 and 8 are just the 2 brothers staring angrily at each other. 9 and 10 actually have the dialogues. Both of the afore mentioned dialogues really just include making very "smart remarks" towards each other. In slide 11 the older brother takes offense. He gets up and proceeds to grip his collar, with a menacing look on his face he proceeds to remark, "what did you say", to his little brother. In slide 12 the little