Middle of Music Video(filming blog 2)

This blog is basically a continuation of the previous Blog. I have more material since I did more of the music video. Basically I have enough material now to make a sequel blog to my first one. This blog is going to cover part of the outside version.SO basically it went like this after finished the indoor portion we went by a tree near by my house. We if you didn't know by now is me and my brother due to the fact that I wanted to star in the music video so I took him along to help film the video. I was posted up on the tree. I told my brother to make random jerky motions with the camera to replicate how a normal  music video would  be. Once I started the song on a secondary device I told him to start filming. Once he starting filming I ran through my usual routine. If you want to know what I mean by that I basically did hand gestures and lip synced. I did this for about a minute. I also repeated this in 3 times. In addition to that each time I was in a different position. I did this just in case it would provide use to me in the editing faze. from there I basically went to the nearest side walk and . For this part of my music video I felt like I needed a part with me moving.  I ran through my whole routine as previously stated. i made sure to record this five times doing different thing. Again I only did that just in case it could provide use in the editing phase. I'm going to include the last part of my music video in another blog. This basically concludes this blog.  Until next time, bye bye.


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