Good afternoon my Government name is Djonucci Stjuste But I like to go by DJ.My current age as of august 22 is 15 and i'm not going to lie i still feels the same as when i was 14. I mean on the Bright side I grew an inch.My player build(my way of saying height and weight) is 5'10 210 pounds. Yeah at first look it may seem i'm overweight but i'm actually relatively fit(my build is quite stocky tho). my passions are music and sports(namely Rap and football). I would say mentally i'm just like any other kid But physically...yeah i think not. as i said before i am relatively fit but heavyset but that is not even the most perculier thing about me. the most peculiar thing about me i would say is that i had a beard eversinse i was 12 years old! yeah i know shocking right, kids are being built different these days. Besides that peculiarity there is nothing more i can tell you(physically).a cool fact about me is I am a football ball player at my school. The position I play is know as a linebacker. My current favorite player in the NFL is Lamar Jackson, In my opinion he is the epitome of what an athlete is suppose to be. My favorite all time player would be no other then Ray Lewis, He is the epitome of what it is like to be a beast, non stop high octane energy. My favorite football franchise is the Baltimore ravens. You can tell due to the fact that both players aforementioned are either current or previous Baltimore ravens players. Ravens franchise to me are like underdogs but they always go hard with bucket loads of energy. I find that a very endearing quality about the franchise. One day i actually hope to meet him talk with him and tell him i want to be even better then he was and to thank him for inspiring me. well future-wise i have aspirations of being a voice actor a regular actor or a football player or rapper because i want to be on T.V. but my parents want me to take a more practical approach so i can get a lot of money fast so that i may be able to use that money to start a early good and better life then they had and i respect that but i have aspirations to be something bigger then the stereotypical doctor or lawyer route and i also want to have fun while doing it. Whatever Happens, happens i will be OK with it either way. I probably should stop here. I don't want this turning into an autobiography. Until then i'm your charismatic kid DJ signing off or as the Japanese would say it sayonara!


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