Planning for my Heineken commercial


There can be many things in terms of props inside a Heineken commercial. But one thing for sure that's in a Heineken commercial, a sort of staple, is the Heineken beer bottle itself. Other props an include some type of sitting arrangement, for example, a couch, which is what ill be using in my commercial. Another prop that i will be using that you would find in a typical Heineken commercial is a TV of sorts. This TV is usually going to be broadcasting some type of sport channel.since my favorite sport as of right now is football I will look for a Chanel broadcasting a football team.


Depending on the availability of  the actor, which are my parents because i am not of drinking age, there could be 1 female actor one male actor or both. I would want there outfits to match their setting therefore it should be causal. In terms ill allow anything from shorts to joggers to even jeans. As for tops they can really where almost anything they just have to not look formal. The outfits must give off a home-y and comfortable type vibe. heavy accessorizing is ill advice but maybe a small chain or earrings or even bracelet is acceptable.


On 10/21/2020 I research conventions of alcoholic beverage commercial

On 10/23/2020 I establishes the props, costumes, schedule, location list,

On 10/27/2020 I will have finished the storyboard for the 30 sec commercial

On 10/28//2020 I will film and record the needed shots for the commercial

On 10/30/2020 I will finish the editing faze add and final touches

Location List

My first  location would be the living room of out home. As I previously stated the costume has to match the setting and you cant get more comfy then home. On top of that that said person will be watching a sport channel witch will emphasize that Heineken is great for watching sports events.

My second location would be a Bedroom preferably parents(since they have a TV in their room). Yes I know I said you cant get more comfy then home, I take that back you cant get more comfy then the actual room you sleep in, come on , that's just logic. This will emphasize that you can enjoy Heineken even by yourself in your own room

Back Up Plan

If the actors for some reason god forbid cant show up I will pose as an adult  due to me looking many years older then i actually am it should be pretty convincing.If needed I could take a precautionary measure and crop my head out of the shot.Unfortunately I cant drink it since i am underage so I will just poor the drink in another cup of camera to make it look convincing. In addition to that If I cant find a channel showing football I will just find another channel either showing basketball, soccer, and/or baseball.


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