Intro Blog

 In this project I've to work by myself. I made this decision due to the fact that i do not like people.... Well that was a stretch call me somewhat of a closet introvert. I love socializing with friends but I hate confrontations. When I think about it its a pretty conflicting predicament. This is not the only reason I chose to solo lone wolf this Project I just simply don't know many people in this class, It is a very plausible answer since I was on online school for most of the year. since i do not know people in this class its only right that I would by and for myself. I know its going to be more work but its not all bad at least you don't have to share the credit. The song I decided to chose is a rap song made by one of my favorite rappers. I didn't state this before but I love and am a avid listener of rap. Rap is one of the core things that make me myself and one day I might decide to be a rapper but that's beside the point. The songs name is  wishing well made my the rapper Juice WRLD. Sadly he passed away about a year from today, RIP  as I fan I really liked and cherished him and his music, really wish I could see him alive again but that's a story for another time. Another reason why I chose this song is because it has 0 curse words. This means that it should be able to adhere to school guidelines. Notice I say it should due to the fact that this song to delve into deep topics such as drug abuse. The last reason that I chose this song is because I simply like the song. its a pretty good well made and thought out song. Its an amazing song and I honestly think it should have gotten more recognition then it did.And that about conclude the Intro blog thank you!


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