The Filming Portion of my Heineken Commercial

 On November first I began filming my project. My dad was not her so i had to use my mom as the actor. I basically gave he a run down of each scene before we did them. For example for the first scene i told her to act like she was going to watch TV while I video tape her. It was pretty simple and she executed it great. even before we did the filming I had to make sum adjustments to the setting. I gave the living room a slight clean up mainly for aesthetic purposes. In the second scene i began to zoom in to my moms face.Around this time I basically told my mother to focus on the the background you could here the football scene and play unfolding. I forgot to tell you all this before but when  told my mother to act like she was watching TV I also told her to go to the sports channel. I also told her it would be perfect if she picked a show that was broadcasting football. when we slowly zoomed in all the outer scenes began to disappear as we began getting closer and closer to her face until we reached the third scene where we had a perfect close up shot of my moms face focusing on the TV. Then after then scene we hit a jump cut to behind my mom. If I remember correctly in this scene we had to move the couch up to get more of it in the scene. in this scene i had the camera rise from behind the coach. Then after this I decided to do a jump cut to a side view but this side view was not straight on t was a somewhat off centered side view. I got this idea from beverage commercials. in this scene there is suppose to be a play leading to a touch down so I tell my mom when there is a touch down scream with excitement. Then after that talk we executed it. After that we jump cut to a close up shot where my mom drinks the beverage. After that we jump cut to a scene where mom places the bottle of the table. In this scene i give a close up of the bottle and the Heineken logo on the bottle. After that we rapped up and did our usual things.all and all it was kinda fun.


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