The Tedious Trials of Editing

 On November second I started the editing process. I had take all the clips and dump them on my computer.On the computer I already had open shot due to previous video projects.I had to transfer the files to my computer by using a USB cable.Once my files were on the computer I had to import each one by one into the open shot software it was a very tedious process. After this I arranged them in order then I starting clipping them together one by one. For some clips that were way to long I had to cut a part of it off. the commercial contained a lot of jump cuts so I didn't have to do any major editing. in the clip where my mom cheered out of excitement as the team scored I had to insert some more cheering audio. It was there to make everything look believable. it also had the affect of making the cheer scene louder. By the end of the process I basically gave the who entire commercial a voice over. The process was not as easy as you might think I had to find something to fit in that 30 second time frame and it had to sound like a somewhat professional alcoholic beverage the end i did it and it came out splendid. t the  end of the commercial I basically put the Heineken logo and left it on for about 3 to 5 seconds. I also inserted an energetic sound track that would be playing throughout the whole commercial.For the voice over I tried to give it a Morgan freeman type vibe. This is why I opted to pitch my voice really low. I tried to keep the music noise low as to not mess with the voice over or the actual commercial. I remember trying to see if  I could open the pitch of the music at the end of the commercial. It was to much of a hassle so I just said screw it and left it untouched. All and all I can conclude that I am no editor. I found the process quite tedious and boring but I mean an A is an A.But  after that ,that's it now im just waiting to submit my project tomorrow.


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