Begging of a Music Video(filming blog)

 Before I begin this Blog I just want to give a few disclaimers.The first is that it is my third attempt at doing this blog in particular. Due to mishaps and malfunctions I am here for for a third time. Hopefully this is the last time i have to do this blog. secondly this blog is unfinished. As of writing this blog i'm am about 25 percent done. I know I should speed up but I have a lot of plans for this project. every thing should be finalized by this weekend. but now that i got that out the way t its time to speak on the actual  project. The music video production basically started in the living room.i had the featured song played on a second device. I did this so when the process is done it would be easier to sync the clips with the actual song.I  told my brother to position the camera in front of the tb and giving a head on view of  me the actor I played the song and me as the actor I was supposed to keep my head down until the beat dropped. By  the way through this whole process my brother was the one filming me. now that I got that away lets get back to the actual video. once the beat dropped i immediately looked up and started lip syncing. once that happened i started causally trowing up hand gestures at the same time i was lip syncing. This little excursion happened for about a minute. After that we stopped the video and went to the second location which was the bathroom.,I'm gong to be honest  this part was basically a rinse and repeat of the living room section. Although this section was just a rinse and repeat of hat happened in the living room there were a few minute differences. One difference was the camera position. The living room camera position gave us a straight view. The position of the camera gave us an angled side view. Another change was the addition of pills and pill bottles on the counter. I added this feature to basically go along with the theme of the song. I also add a fake ingested of the pills.After taking  the video. That concluded the portion of the video that was inside the house.


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