Wishing well (music video)

Well here is My music video. I'm pretty pleased with the results although I will say I messed up big time. Fist though i'll speak on the good. All and all this project was a pretty good experiences. I got to produce a video that's with in my favorite genre of music.This said genre is obviously rap you can tell by the music playing due to the hard hitting drums and the rhyme scheme of the lyrics. I got to be creative with this assignment. I basically just let my imagination roam. And for the most part it worked pretty well if I do say so myself. I loved this whole experience. If I had the chance to do something like this again I would gladly do it. I would say hat this experience was really fun. Now that we finished with the good onto the bad. I did make some mistakes some minor others major. I am pressed for times and it would take long to correct these mistakes without a time extension so I am forced to bring it in and submit it as it is.Well let me speak on the biggest mistake I made. Said mistake was that I forgot to turn my phone sideways. This intern made it so that the clips wouldn't accommodate the aspect ration of you tube. I tried to help  by making the background have a blured video of my video but it didn't really help to much. I'm just praying that my grade doesn't get hit to hard by this mistake. It is a learning lessen though of what not to do next time.So next time when i'm put in a similar position I will not make the same mistake. Besides that huge problem there were a few minor insignificant problems such as some of the clips were slightly off key but not to the point where they don't match the audio at all. Another problem was my video was going to long to I had to take out the ending clip which made my video stop abruptly at 1 minute. After the aforementioned small minute problems that was it. And that will be the end of this music video project, well until the CCR that is.


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