Genre decision Blog

This Blog is for me to state what genre my film will be. If I'm being honest  it shares characteristics of both. it trends on the very fine line of horror and thriller. This makes it really difficult for me to asses which one is it. It has horror elements such a there being a victim and a killer. but there is also internal conflicts and conflicts of interest which directly fit in with themes seen in thrillers. due to the time constraint I'm just gonna have to see which genre did i use the most in  the time allotted. and if we are going by that standard I would have to say my film is more of  a horror film. i would say that my film in the time allotted is a horror because of a few particular reasons. the first being tat it intro duces the killer in ominous fashion. The second reason being the ominous music in the back group. the third being the atmosphere and the mood. the forth being the having of a blade. the blades in this instance are used by the killer to kill the victims. that little part alone gives me all the backing to call this a horror film. Actually when you include all the info i stated it becomes less a guess and more common sense. and if that doesn't seem horror enough let me indulge with the fact that there are killings. killings are one of the staples of horror. they tap into one of mans greatest fear. the fore mention fear is commonly referred to as the fear of death. 


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