Genre reserch: horror and thriller

 In this blog i am going to be going over the conventions of horror and thriller films. Lets start with horror first. but before we figure out the conventions of horror films we have to first figure out what even is a horror film. A horror film is a film/movie made with the intent to scare the audience. Now that  we have a clear understanding of what a horror movie actually is we can move on and talk about the conventions. lets start with the camera angles of a horror movie. the average  camera angles used in movies are close ups tilts establishing shots, handheld ,tracking, and point of view shots, and dolling shots. Now lets move on to the sound/ music. in  horror movies they are usually loud and overly dramatic. Now onto props. the main prop of horror movies are weapons and in specific slashing and cutting weapons such as a knife due to the fact that they inflict slow and torturous pain which fits perfect in the horror and scary narrative. often in scary movies there  it comes along with a sub genre. another conventions of horror movies are secluded locations. there is also further investigation of something and exploitation of natural fears. and last but not least in a horror film there is always going to be a killer and a victims or victims. Now time for thriller. a thriller is defined as " Thriller is a genre of fiction, having numerous, often overlapping subgenres". Now that we got that out the way lets move on to conventions. lets start with lighting first. the most conventional type of lighting that you will see most of the time is lowkey lighting, which gives a scene more of an eerie and spooky vibe. Next lets move onto sound. the sounds for thrillers have to match the mood and not only the mood but the actual pacing of the the movie . For example if a movie is building up to a climax the music would start slowly then speed up and get louder and louder until the climax. there are also a plethora of non diegetic sounds in thrillers. Now onto camera angles/shots. thrillers use a variety of angles/shots so its hard to name a couple but what i can tell you is when they use them its to build atmosphere and tension. Next onto mis en scene. usually mis en scene is use to show the genre. props contained in thrillers are usually guns pills and crime. The settings are usually secluded and abandoned just like horror movies. With that concluding statement comes the end to this blog


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