My pitch

 Hello! So in this blog I'm supposed to be walking you through how I chose my 2 pitches. Before we discuss that we need to learn first what are my 2 pitches. My first pitch is "the tail of a lone man to reclaim his daughter after she's been unexpectedly kidnapped by a mysterious figure." My second pitch is" mysterious figure terrorized locals and has eyes set on main character will he make it out alive. Now that my pitches are out of the way its time for me to tell you hw i settled on them. Once I heard about the project i let my mind wonder. I let my imagination roam ushering a lot of new and different scenarios. They were cool but i had to eliminate a bulk of the due to the fact that they were not practical and I didn't have the equipment need for them. So i had to settle for the more practical scenarios. One of the most practical scenarios that i know would be easy to produce was a kidnapping. I used that as the basis to make my first pitch. For my second pitch I decided horror was the way to go especially since things like knifes and hoodies are thinks that I have on deck. Don't worry the props will be only there for filming purposes and no one will be hurt in the making of my movie. It would be fun to do the kidnapping film and it would also be the easier one but the killer one does seem like it would be more rewarding. Due to that fact I think ill be doing the second pitch as I presume it will be an overall more fun experience. well this concluded this section of my final task.


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