Starting the final task

 Hello! My full government name is Djonucci V. Stjuste but I casually go by Dj. I am 15 and i am a sophomore at fort Lauderdale high school. in this blog I am to  explain if I'm working alone or in a group. In addition to that I also have to explain why I chose to be alone or in a group. Just a quick disclaimer For this project I decided to work alone. Basically like what I did in al1 my other projects for this course. one of the reasons I chose to work alone is due to the fact that I simply work better by my lonely. when i work by myself I can decided how I want the project to be with out any interference. it can be exactly how i want it to be. another reasons I chose to work on this project by my self is because I'm a bit of a loner. i rather chill by myself then to be in a group. I'm not exactly antisocial though its just that I'm comfortable chilling and doing things by myself especially on assignments such as these. Another reason and probably my final reason that I am working alone is because I couldn't find a partner. so basically my options was work by myself or don't work at all. I don't now if you haven't noticed but this assignment is weight very very heavy to not working on it is not an option. Due to that fact I was given even more motivation that working alone was the best plan of action. And after that this pretty much concludes my reasoning of why I'm working alone. Just in case it didn't register in your head I'm going to give you a slight synopsis. For this project I'm going solo. My reasoning for going solo can be divided into 3 reasons. reason 1 I work best alone. Reason 2 I rather be alone . 3 I couldn't find any partners. And with that being said I conclude this blog.


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