Filming and editing blog 1

 So currently I'm supposed to be doing my filming and editing assignment. I decided to push that off for a couple days. you may ask why would I do that. The answer to that is simple, my grades. I have to get my grades right pronto because as of right now they are not looking to hot. You may ask how did they get in this situation in the first place. That's an question that I cant even give a clear concise response to. I believe it has something to do with me coming back to in person school. I could be very mistaken but it seems like that's one of the main reasons to the drop in my grades. Now I have to work 3 times as hard to get them where they once where. Currently I'm too held up at the moment to be filming. Once I do get started filming how ever I will have to work twice as hard. I doubt though that it will be as hard of a situation that I am dealing with now. I actually believe it will be leagues easier. Once I actually get to filming I promise to provide a plethora of blogs. Each blog will contain immense elaboration on the filming and editing process. By then I hope I can put all this overdue work behind me. Until then though I am afraid that I am going to have to ride the struggle bus for a little longer. Now that I told you my current situation I hope you can understand why I wont be producing. By producing I mean in terms of me filming. I will still keep you all posted about my situations through the blogs. Until then though I sign off. Until we meet again.


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