Genre research: action

ELEMENTS • This major genre type includes films that have tremendous impact, continuous high energy, lots of physical stunts and activity, possibly extended chase scenes, races, rescues, battles, martial arts, mountains and mountaineering, destructive disasters

ELEMENTS THAT DOESN’T APPEAL There is very little to no comedic relief and most if not all the film maintains a serious outlook

SETTINGS • Setting can also be wildly drastic

PROPS • Props in action value can differ vastly

MAKE-UP • Many variations in terms of makeup

The info above is part of a PP project I did a long time ago. Back then we as a class were still trying to figure out what CLAMPS were. The teacher assigned this project to me and the other students. I presume the purpose was to deepen our understanding of CLAMPS but I don't know I'm just a student. The main objective of this project was to state a term then give a picture representing that term. The main goal was to deepen our understanding of the terms. I started with camera angles. I listed them, and I gave a picture to describe them. I did the same for movements. I also repeated the same process for mis-en-scene, sound, and lighting. we also in this project had to input forms of media. I basically used the hyper link feature so my teacher could see my work. It was the only form of media I knew how to do at the time. Oh and if I didn't ell you before this was a genre project. My genre was action. I basically used the basic conventional clamps seen in my genre. After that I put a photograph giving a visual representation of it. I can admit now that the project was a good learning experience and helped us get a better understanding of clamps. It also made me brush up on my presentation making skills. I3t gave me a more in-depth knowledge on the basic terminology needed for this class. All and all it was a cool experience.


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