Planning blog: health and safety

 well speaking on health and safety there is a  few precautions i set in place to reduce the or eliminate the chances of being hurt. Now i doubt that we will have to use these precautions but its nice to have them anyway.  the first  precaution is that i have a phone and i can quickly call 911 if need be. That is if and only if the situation goes to an extreme. thanks to my mom though we have first aid equipment. This includes but are not limited to alcohol gauze Band-Aids and bandages. There will be many scenes  to wear I the actor will be holding a knife. My mother will keep watch and supervise me while this happens. This is to ensure i don't hurt myself or anyone around me. one last precaution I will be doing is using a knife thats been slightly dulled. the knife can still cut but its been dulled to to the amount of usage its seen.


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