title reserch: IT

Now onto the final movie of this series. IT is a very interesting movie. Lets begin with the title. It is another movie with the classic horror movie trop of making the title red. Horror movies do this to insinuate danger and urgency or in this case to frighten you. Most of the time you won't see someone screaming on the sight of the color red but you will subconsciously be more active alert and jittery. There are 2 main images that i can gather from the opening. One showing Georgie in a yellow raincoat. I can see the curiosity in his eye the innocence in his face. I already knew he was going to be the victim. the other picture was of a clownish figure hanging out in the sewer. through his weird scary cynical demeanor i already knew this was going to be the antagonist/killer. The film also establishes a great feel of a horror genre in a multitude of ways. One, the music creates lots of suspense making the audience itself quite anxious. Second,  would be the fact that the boy is pretty much secluded. Third, would probably be the fact that the victim all be it in a strange manor in confronted by the killer.  People that watch horror love thrill so the movie has to do certain things right to catch their attention. First off all there has to be a certain mood set which the movie IT emulates perfectly. Second there has to be sum blond spilt aka interaction between the victim and killer, This one is pretty much checked of as well. Third , whatever am watching has to hold the audiences attention and judging by what i see it did a fabulous job. technologies used within the IT movie include non diegetic sound which set the mood as well as a a plethora of jump cuts to switch view points. it was used especially around the time when Georgy was talking to pennywise



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