Title reserch: scream

 So now its time for the title research on scream.  Now i don't know if there is no titles in the opening sequence or if the videos I watch don't contain them. For the sake of this blog I'm just going to assume that there was no titles in the opening sequence. with that being said lets move on to the opening scene and its images. Right of the bat you can see one of the distressed woman. Notice that she is all by herself at night in a secluded portion of her house. All of which is conveniently going along with the conventions of the horror genre. Now you can see another one of the destressed woman on the phone taking a gander outside . This is where you can better see how dark it is and how secluded she is. I've have noticed that horror films usually do a lot of tracking movements. With that being said this film didn't lack in that department. It is common place in horror for you to find close up shots and I saw some in this film as well. the scenery in the film is kind of dark and dreary. it is as if someone turned down the exposure on the movie. I believe this was to cater to the horror elements and make the film more spooky. It could also have an inverse effect of setting the mood for us as an audience and as consumer of horror films. 

In the film there is also a healthy or should a say a great amount of mid shots showing the character and her surroundings. On top of the mid shots there was also a bit of cutaway action. the director probably used this to shift our attention as the character seemed like she was looking for someone. To emulate the character turning her head the directors used a panning movement. all of these technologies proved  effecting in maximizing the feel of the movie and overall making it better.


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