my myself and I


Hello again! Over the years I always would rather do things by myself then with someone else. I've just been like that ever since I can remember. That is not to say I've never had fun working in a group. I will say though I was not the most productive while working in a group. Working in groups have never been my strong suite. Ill either do all of the work or non of the work. so for projects such as this coming one it would be a good idea to work by myself. On top of that I don't have a good enough relationship with anyone In A level to want to work with them on a project as such. Also plus when I work by myself I'm more motivated. Ill be more able to focus and do the work. On top of that the variables are way more easier to control. with a group their are a lot of this you cant control. Mainly due to the fact that there are more then one heads. Each of said heads got there own ideas of how something should be done. This at times can cause problems which could lead to problems. They are fixable but still problems none the less. Me as a person id rather avoid problems. I'm very non confrontational. I don't like drama. Therefore the easiest way to eliminate this problem is to just work alone. The benefit of doing this is every thing can be they way I want it to be with no interference. I can put all my artistic expression into one project, the feeling after doing something by yourself and getting a good grade on it is by far one of the best.


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