Genre research-Action

 Last blog I introduced the three main genres that my movie could fall into. well in this blog i'm going to go a bit deeper. I will go in on each individual genre ands explain the common conventions you see through out movies in said genres. The First one we will be starting with is action. First lets start of with the typical CAMS of the action genre. Now as far as shots go action movies use a plethora so its extremely difficult to give a list of the common ones. The same applies for camera angles and movements but i can tell you what i see the most when observing action movies. I usually see  a bit of establishing shots(to establish the screen), A good bit of close ups, and mid shots. I also se a

lot of high angle shots not to mention handheld and tracking movements. Sounds frequently used in the action genre include dialogue and diegetic/non-diegetic sound . Costumes for said genre come in a variety of shapes and sizes so I cant exactly say that any particular costume if the most common type. In terms of lighting action makes use of a lot of high key and lowkey light from what I see. There's no set way how to act but I see in action the main character is portrayed a cool an high-strung individual. the is no particular make up for action and the same thing goes props but usually in action its something breakable since fight scenes tend to happen a lot in action. Settings are also really diverse and action films can happen just about everywhere. Examples of action films in the action genre include but are not limited t0 Godzilla king of monsters, Kong skull island, and Deadpool. In the action genre I love the fight scenes and the detail movie directors place in the movie when fight choreographing. But I dislike how due to it being so action based if you not the protagonist or the antagonist you character literally has no depth. 


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