Genre Research-Drama

 So this is the last of 3 blogs pertaining to genre. The first was the action genre. The second was sports. This blog how every is going to be about a very well known and well received genre by the general public aka drama. when it comes to drama just like any other sports and action, it doesn't have any staple camera angles. The same thing goes for movements and shots. As for common sounds anything can be used by I noticed a couple of different sounds that I have seen used. one of them and the main one in particular is dialogue. cant have any drama if there is no means to speak it to others. There's also diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Now lets switch the topic to costume. there are no specific costume to wear in the drama genre. from what I see though I would like to say that the people in this genre maintain a very casual look to their appearance. theirs no particular lighting either but a do see a lot of 3 point lighting. As peer acting the genre is drama so you would expect each actor to present themselves in a more extreme and overtop  version of regular emotions. That is to say that actors are a bit more expressive. As far as make up goes their is no particular make up for said genre. the same thing goes for props. and settings in the drama genre are very diverse. There are no common settings for the drama genre due to all the different unique and expansive settings. Common editing techniques in drama are few and far between because the genre has many different situations and is very diverse so for there to be a common few is nearly impossible. Examples of drama films include but are not limited to Life of Pi, Lord of the Rings, Pan’s Labyrinth, and Where the Wild Things Are. elements i love from this genre are the sounds they set the mood very well as well as the lighting so that their can be stressing on their facial expressions. Elements that I don't really like are the long pauses after a heavy and plot developing response happen. And some of the angles rub me the wrong way when the directors.

 try to show more expression in the authors face  


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