Genre reserch-sports

 Ok in the last blog I was detailing certain conventions for the action genre. Now we are going to the conventions of a sports genre. Well lets start with camera shots. their is no specific shot that always has to be used when filming a sports movie but when they are filmed you usually want to have shots that capture the entirety of the game which would mean long shots would be perfect for this genre. As far as angling goes sports film can really utilize almost any angle, same thing goes for movements but when I watch sports movies their seems to be a lot of Steadicam action, track, Tilt and pan. With regards to costumes its really comes to which sport is the main focus but one thing is for sure their is most likely going to be an inclusion of a jersey. Now for lighting anything is really allowed. When it comes to acting in sports film you could act in a variety of ways but sports films more so call for characters with a hard tough and very gritty  character. Here no specific make up in sports film unless you want make the character seem more gritty when it comes to that maybe you could use a little make up to dirty up the face. Props should most defiantly include objects from the sport of your choice for example I'm doing football so I should have a football. And the setting should be specific to the sport for example since I'm doing football the setting should have something to do with a field. A common editing that I found for the sports genre (in all honesty its really any genre) are jump cuts. Examples of sports film include but are not limited to Blindside, Waterboy, and much more. elements of the sports genre that I like include the use of different lighting (especially in night time scenes that create mood and build the atmosphere and the different angles used to show the action being done in each scene. Elements that I'm not to much of sometimes are the certain sounds I feel like sometimes it can be a bit much even for a sports game and some of the sports outfits rub me the wrong way. With that being said that's all I have with regards to the sports genre


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