Research: How to make a short film

 I've watched the "how to make a short film" YouTube video and  I gathered a good amount of useful points tips and ideas. Time to delve into what I've gained. Ill start with the fact that when designing or writing you short film one should only do enough that fit their resources. A good example of such is if I have 20,000 I cant be writing or designing for a 100,000 dollar short film. Another example of such is if I only have a water gun I cannot be looking to make a wwii bunker battle since I don't have the resources for such action. When making a short film one should also think of set ups and payoffs. Their are also multiple types of set ups and pay offs including emotional and story as decreed by the video. another skill that their video speaks of is to do or act in opposite of what the audience is expecting. An example of this could be that an audience is expecting a scene  where a mysteries character is the protagonist father but then you can flip the script and make the mysterious character her little brother from the future. I've also learn that ones theme should guide ones movie or should I say ones direction for the movie. One should also think about the actors that are going to be involved in this product and play to their strengths and weaknesses, In addition to that there's casting, and sound. I also learned important skills one should utilize in editing ones short film. To be specific there were pacing, music, and notes. All of witch should help me when producing my short film. Such skills can be used to turn an alright film into an excellent film for example if I don't pace my movie correctly and make my action scene really long and my story scene really short it will throw of the whole vibe of the movie and mostly make the audience less interested, With that being said that concludes this blog 


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