Short film research: The Big Break | Action/Comedy Short Film

 Ok I Have looked and reviewed the last and final short film. It is a action comedy that goes by the name of The Big Break. First off I want to say that the movie was phenomenal. it was one of the more different films I've ever seen. I say that due to the fact that it merged two very different genres in one. With that being said I do believe that it still retains more of the conventions of an action film. Speaking of convention I am now going to list the conventions of the film as it pertains to the action genre. Ill start off with sound first. Just as with all Action films their are the sounds that are always present include dialogue non-diegetic and diegetic  sound. With regards to the film the an example of diegetic sound is the phone call noise. For non-diegetic it would obviously be the background music. Lastly for dialogue in would most definitely be the the talking amongst the characters/actors. Now with sounds done we are off to mis-en-scenes. Ill start with the costumes first. Now the action genre is not really known for a specific type of clothing. I would say that action film actors retain more of a casual look in there costumes and this film would definitely support this. Onto lighting I don't think their are common lighting types for said genre but I do notice a lot of use of ambient lighting as well as key lighting. This film seemed to use ambient lighting more then any other type. Next on the list is acting. The acting especially in the scenes where their was conflict maintained a more gritty serious and aggressive feel which was fitting with the  premise of the film since it was an action. Make up is next and it seem to me that their may not even have been that much make up at all. The characters maintained a more natural look up until their was action and one got hurt. Afterwards we proceed to see red on ones face insinuating blood. This leads me to believe that action only really uses make up as a ploy to make the scene seem and feel more real. For instance instead of making an actor bleed for a scene how about use fake blood instead. No one in hurt while in production but it still had the same effect. After make up comes props. With regards to action and props things such as guns fake blood shattered glass and scrambles paper all things that can be seen regularly in action can be seen in film. the setting in this case is Hollywood , a pretty typical place for an action film. Action films however have no standard and really could and can be filmed anywhere. The next thing one has to go over are the  common editing. When referring to editing 3 common types of editing always come up when discussing action. The first of which is regular standard cutting which can/could be seen all throughout the film. The second of which is Action match which could be seen around the action scenes. Finally the third of which is jump cuts/jump cutting  such as when the scene switches from them running away to them running up a mountain(since it was the proceeding event). Examples of films in said aforementioned genre include Bad Boys, Rush Hour, and Men in Black. Elements of the genre(also pertaining to the movie) that I admire and like are the fast pace clean cut action scenes that leave you in awe as you watch them. The only thing that doesn't appeal to me would be the fact that their really isn't a strong premise and barely any background story to go with the film. With that being said this concludes my blog

(couldn't find actual one closet one to it)


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