
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Final Decision ;)

 So for three blogs I've been detailing the genres that go along with my short film. I settles on 3 genres. the first one is action. the second is sports. the third is drama. in this blog I will be making a decision on which one to focus on. Now straight of the bat I can exclude sports. I say this do to the fact that it seems way more bland as compared to the other genres. not only that but I feel as though i can be more creative with the other genres. With that being said we are left with action and drama. I believe the right decision should be action. If I make it action based i feel as if my creative process would be better. on top of that I have more viewing experience of action so i would be able to better apply conventions of action. Now with that being said I might have to tweak my pitch a bit if I need it to better go along with my genre but for right now I believe my pitch is adequate. The thing that inspired me to pick action over the other genres is because I am an avid

Genre Research-Drama

 So this is the last of 3 blogs pertaining to genre. The first was the action genre. The second was sports. This blog how every is going to be about a very well known and well received genre by the general public aka drama. when it comes to drama just like any other sports and action, it doesn't have any staple camera angles. The same thing goes for movements and shots. As for common sounds anything can be used by I noticed a couple of different sounds that I have seen used. one of them and the main one in particular is dialogue. cant have any drama if there is no means to speak it to others. There's also diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Now lets switch the topic to costume. there are no specific costume to wear in the drama genre. from what I see though I would like to say that the people in this genre maintain a very casual look to their appearance. theirs no particular lighting either but a do see a lot of 3 point lighting. As peer acting the genre is drama so you would expe

Genre reserch-sports

 Ok in the last blog I was detailing certain conventions for the action genre. Now we are going to the conventions of a sports genre. Well lets start with camera shots. their is no specific shot that always has to be used when filming a sports movie but when they are filmed you usually want to have shots that capture the entirety of the game which would mean long shots would be perfect for this genre. As far as angling goes sports film can really utilize almost any angle, same thing goes for movements but when I watch sports movies their seems to be a lot of Steadicam action, track, Tilt and pan. With regards to costumes its really comes to which sport is the main focus but one thing is for sure their is most likely going to be an inclusion of a jersey. Now for lighting anything is really allowed.  W he n  it comes to acting in sports  film  you  could  act in a  variety  of  ways  but sports films more so call for characters with a hard tough and very gritty  cha racter.  Here no spec

Genre research-Action

 Last blog I introduced the three main genres that my movie could fall into. well in this blog i'm going to go a bit deeper. I will go in on each individual genre ands explain the common conventions you see through out movies in said genres. The First one we will be starting with is action. First lets start of with the typical CAMS of the action genre. Now as far as shots go action movies use a plethora so its extremely difficult to give a list of the common ones. The same applies for camera angles and movements but i can tell you what i see the most when observing action movies. I usually see  a bit of establishing shots(to establish the screen), A good bit of close ups, and mid shots. I also se a lot of high angle shots not to mention handheld and tracking movements. Sounds frequently used in the action genre include dialogue and diegetic/non-diegetic sound . Costumes for said genre come in a variety of shapes and sizes so I cant exactly say that any particular costume if the mo