
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

 SO first off I'm looking at this site. why am I on the sight, well that's easy that's because its a graded assignment. It seems though that this website focusses on a person named frank Tashlin. The main point this website was to show and explain to us the audience his opening in his film. Tashlin stated that he was to get the audience to laugh faster then anyone else. Tashlin use to work for warner bros doing looney tunes shorts. Even though he was making a live action film his films never wavered to far from his cartoonish roots.. This can be seen in all of his live action films. His films inspired other famous films. All of them trying to cash in on his ingenious style and clever opening.

genre research: The Shining

 This blog is going to be on the shinning.  the shinning is on top 200 on rotten tomato's. before we discuss the shinning we first need to get somewhat of an understanding of what this movie is going to be about. The description reads as follows "jack  Torrance (Jack Nicholson) becomes winter caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel in Colorado, hoping to cure his writer's block. He settles in along with his wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall), and his son, Danny (Danny Lloyd), who is plagued by psychic premonitions. As Jack's writing goes nowhere and Danny's visions become more disturbing, Jack discovers the hotel's dark secrets and begins to unravel into a homicidal maniac hell-bent on terrorizing his family."  Now that we have a general idea of what is going on here we can delve into the more important subjects . the elements of horror that I can see in this film that i also like in horror films is the the antagonist has a very unstable mental state    and see

Genre research: psycho

 Now in this blog we will be discussing a movie named psycho. Just as I stated before we cant talk about a movie until we have some footing about what its about. the description reads as follows "P hoenix secretary Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), on the lam after stealing $40,000 from her employer in order to run away with her boyfriend, Sam Loomis (John Gavin), is overcome by exhaustion during a heavy rainstorm. Traveling on the back roads to avoid the police, she stops for the night at the ramshackle Bates Motel and meets the polite but highly strung proprietor Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), a young man with an interest in taxidermy and a difficult relationship with his mother."  Now that you have somewhat of an idea of the story its time to discuss. Discuss what you may ask, to which I respond , to discuss the elements of the the genre that I decided to base my final project on that the movie had. one of the elements that I planed to to add in my final project that I like is

Genre research: American Psycho

So the movie that i have chosen for this blog is American psycho. first before we begin let me give you a short synopsis on American psycho. American psycho is 1 of the top 200 movies ever made as decreed by rotten was April 14 2000 when this movie was released and it made 15 million at the box office. the synopsis reads as follows " In New York City in 1987, a handsome, young urban professional, Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale), lives a second life as a gruesome serial killer by night. The cast is filled by the detective (Willem Dafoe), the fiancé (Reese Witherspoon), the mistress (Samantha Mathis), the coworker (Jared Leto), and the secretary (Chloë Sevigny). This is a biting, wry comedy examining the elements that make a man a monster."  Now that you have some what of an understanding of the movie  its time for me to explain elements of a horror  that this movie has. First off this movie  has an important convention that almost all horrors have. The theme in q

Genre decision Blog

This Blog is for me to state what genre my film will be. If I'm being honest  it shares characteristics of both. it trends on the very fine line of horror and thriller. This makes it really difficult for me to asses which one is it. It has horror elements such a there being a victim and a killer. but there is also internal conflicts and conflicts of interest which directly fit in with themes seen in thrillers. due to the time constraint I'm just gonna have to see which genre did i use the most in  the time allotted. and if we are going by that standard I would have to say my film is more of  a horror film. i would say that my film in the time allotted is a horror because of a few particular reasons. the first being tat it intro duces the killer in ominous fashion. The second reason being the ominous music in the back group. the third being the atmosphere and the mood. the forth being the having of a blade. the blades in this instance are used by the killer to kill the victims.

Genre reserch: horror and thriller

 In this blog i am going to be going over the conventions of horror and thriller films. Lets start with horror first. but before we figure out the conventions of horror films we have to first figure out what even is a horror film. A horror film is a film/movie made with the intent to scare the audience. Now that  we have a clear understanding of what a horror movie actually is we can move on and talk about the conventions. lets start with the camera angles of a horror movie. the average  camera angles used in movies are close ups tilts establishing shots, handheld ,tracking, and point of view shots, and dolling shots. Now lets move on to the sound/ music. in  horror movies they are usually loud and overly dramatic. Now onto props. the main prop of horror movies are weapons and in specific slashing and cutting weapons such as a knife due to the fact that they inflict slow and torturous pain which fits perfect in the horror and scary narrative. often in scary movies there  it comes along

My pitch

 Hello! So in this blog I'm supposed to be walking you through how I chose my 2 pitches. Before we discuss that we need to learn first what are my 2 pitches. My first pitch is "the tail of a lone man to reclaim his daughter after she's been unexpectedly kidnapped by a mysterious figure." My second pitch is" mysterious figure terrorized locals and has eyes set on main character will he make it out alive. Now that my pitches are out of the way its time for me to tell you hw i settled on them. Once I heard about the project i let my mind wonder. I let my imagination roam ushering a lot of new and different scenarios. They were cool but i had to eliminate a bulk of the due to the fact that they were not practical and I didn't have the equipment need for them. So i had to settle for the more practical scenarios. One of the most practical scenarios that i know would be easy to produce was a kidnapping. I used that as the basis to make my first pitch. For my second

Starting the final task

 Hello! My full government name is Djonucci V. Stjuste but I casually go by Dj. I am 15 and i am a sophomore at fort Lauderdale high school. in this blog I am to  explain if I'm working alone or in a group. In addition to that I also have to explain why I chose to be alone or in a group. Just a quick disclaimer For this project I decided to work alone. Basically like what I did in al1 my other projects for this course. one of the reasons I chose to work alone is due to the fact that I simply work better by my lonely. when i work by myself I can decided how I want the project to be with out any interference. it can be exactly how i want it to be. another reasons I chose to work on this project by my self is because I'm a bit of a loner. i rather chill by myself then to be in a group. I'm not exactly antisocial though its just that I'm comfortable chilling and doing things by myself especially on assignments such as these. Another reason and probably my final reason that