
Showing posts from November, 2020

Planning storyboard for my Music Video

Scene 1 In the first scene its the intro so i decided to give the video two view angles from the beginning. One if from a living room perspective. Another is from a bathroom perspective. In both scenes the actors head is down while the beat is playing. Scene 2 In these scene we go back to the living room perspective.The actor lifts his head and starts lip syncing. The camera starts zooming in to the actors face. Scene 3.  Now in this scene we pan to the bathroom view. we give a slight pan while the actor is looking in the camera and lip syncing.  Scene 4. In this scene we go to a part where the actor "ingest" pills. While this is happening the camera takes this in slow motion. Scene 5 This scene comes from a different perspective. There actor is laying on the tree. In this scene the camera zooms in to the actor as well. Scene 6 IN=n this scene we get a more head on view. The camera strafes up and down left and right while the actor is lip syncing. Scene 7 In this scene the ac

Planning for my music video

 The title of the rap song I used was Juice WRLD -wishing well. I have several main ideas i think i could include in the music video, lets start with the basics. fr the dress and or costumes  this video should be pretty casual. this is a rap video and I know rappers typically show their wealth with chains but this is different. This rap song takes on a somber tone so I don't think a plethora of chance around the neck would be a good idea. it wouldn't fit well with the lyrics nor the music video. The rapper talks a lot about substance abuse in his video so I plan to include pills and pill bottles as props. Don't worry I wont ingest them so you can calm down now. the location for this music is going to be pretty local. I plan to make this music video in or around my home. Im doing this for the reason that this the only place that's ready on such short notice. another reason for this spot is because its common sense if  were to pop pills I would 9/10 be doing it from the c

Research Blog: music blog convention

 So as stated before I am planning to do a rap music video. This means the conventions about to be stated  for the music video only pertains to the rap genre. With that being said the rap genre do have many conventions that can be applied in many different ways. But there is always a few conventions that stay the same for a majority of rap music videos. First of all In rap music videos the perform is  most of the time is facing the camera. Its almost like there performing for an audience. Another convention of rap music videos are shot cuts. shot cuts normally and should be fast paced. They should also match the tempo of the rap song. Longer shots do take place in rap videos. When longer shots are used its usually to try to portray a narrative. A rapper in a rap video for the majority of the video will be lip syncing. another convention of rap videos is there usually rapping in this case its a music video so their lip syncing about material goods. Rappers love to rap about there wealth

Intro Blog

 In this project I've to work by myself. I made this decision due to the fact that i do not like people.... Well that was a stretch call me somewhat of a closet introvert. I love socializing with friends but I hate confrontations. When I think about it its a pretty conflicting predicament. This is not the only reason I chose to solo lone wolf this Project I just simply don't know many people in this class, It is a very plausible answer since I was on online school for most of the year. since i do not know people in this class its only right that I would by and for myself. I know its going to be more work but its not all bad at least you don't have to share the credit. The song I decided to chose is a rap song made by one of my favorite rappers. I didn't state this before but I love and am a avid listener of rap. Rap is one of the core things that make me myself and one day I might decide to be a rapper but that's beside the point. The songs name is  wishing well mad

My commercial


CCR(the final chapter)

  Name: _Djonucci Stjuste_____   Creative Critical Reflection 1.       How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? My product goes by the general conventions of alcoholic beverage commercials. The conventions for alcoholic  beverage commercials are diverse but simple actually. One thing that you find in every beverage commercial is there is always some type of soundtrack playing in the background another is the actual beverage. After you have those two things the rest is up to your imagination. I used and took a spin on snoop dogs corona commercial instead of talking to the audience like he did how about I place a voice over instead. I see the voice over tactic happen in many food or drink commercials. My product does reflect a social issue or group, but it is directed at some specific types of social groups such as people who go to the bar, sports fans, and general average consumers that want a nice drink.      
Image Whelp this is my Heineken commercial. I tried my best with what i had. it was not the best but I can say that I was pleasantly surprised. I expected much worse due to all the things going wrong in this project. the product of this project is kinda relieving once I think about it. I do admit that this project was kinda rushed but it still came out pretty cool if I do say so myself. I have a lot of work in front of me in terms of improving. I know that in due time i will get there. this project does show that I have great ideas that could really work in the advertising industry. All I need to do is know how to better apply those ideas. I'm pretty happy with my first work. I hope I get better and produce better works. Who knows maybe ill even turn this into a profession.

The Tedious Trials of Editing

 On November second I started the editing process. I had take all the clips and dump them on my computer.On the computer I already had open shot due to previous video projects.I had to transfer the files to my computer by using a USB cable.Once my files were on the computer I had to import each one by one into the open shot software it was a very tedious process. After this I arranged them in order then I starting clipping them together one by one. For some clips that were way to long I had to cut a part of it off. the commercial contained a lot of jump cuts so I didn't have to do any major editing. in the clip where my mom cheered out of excitement as the team scored I had to insert some more cheering audio. It was there to make everything look believable. it also had the affect of making the cheer scene louder. By the end of the process I basically gave the who entire commercial a voice over. The process was not as easy as you might think I had to find something to fit in that 30

The Filming Portion of my Heineken Commercial

 On November first I began filming my project. My dad was not her so i had to use my mom as the actor. I basically gave he a run down of each scene before we did them. For example for the first scene i told her to act like she was going to watch TV while I video tape her. It was pretty simple and she executed it great. even before we did the filming I had to make sum adjustments to the setting. I gave the living room a slight clean up mainly for aesthetic purposes. In the second scene i began to zoom in to my moms face.Around this time I basically told my mother to focus on the the background you could here the football scene and play unfolding. I forgot to tell you all this before but when  told my mother to act like she was watching TV I also told her to go to the sports channel. I also told her it would be perfect if she picked a show that was broadcasting football. when we slowly zoomed in all the outer scenes began to disappear as we began getting closer and closer to her fa