
Showing posts from March, 2021

Beginning of Filming

 So now I will tell you all in this blog the beginning steps of my filming project. In the storyboard I detailed the locations near by my home that I need to film. On my first 6 boxes I detailed the intro to the film and the locations. They are lengthy distance away. I had to figure out a way to get the get what I need. Then I thought one day that since I pass the locations every time I walk back home I should juss get my videos and be done wit it. It was pretty convenient if I do say so myself. So one day afterschool I walked home took my phone set it to 4k 60 fps and started filming. First location was the fist stretch of sideways as I was coming into the neighborhood of my home. I took at least ten or more videos each averaging about 10 seconds. I took them in bulk because you never know which might be better and how they are going to be used in the editing process.  Next I went to the bridge location and took about 5 10 second videos. After I went to the golf course entrance sectio

hiatus comes to a close

  Ok so as per my recent blogs I was on a hiatus. This was an especially long hiatus as well. The reason for the hiatus being that I was lacking in school and had to play catch up. In that time frame I was strictly focusing on catching up. I was also trying to do it as fast as possible. This means that through this period there was not much learning. This also means that through this period I was not filming. I took spring break as an actual break and removed myself from everything that had to do with school. I used this time to relax. I also used this time to think and contemplate. Most importantly I used this time to re-evaluate myself. I used that time to set goals for myself. I used that time to organized myself. I used that time to gain somewhat of a proper mindset. Now that I know what i must do this is the time to execute. starting today I'm going to be working on filming my project. I plan to use 7- 10 days of filming. Then right after 3-7 days of editing. then the left ove

Planning Storyboard blog

  In this blog I am going to be giving a brief description. A description what the picture of my story board mean to be exact. Now to start of we beginning first with an establishing shot. It is one of a location near by the actual setting. Then we pan pass a side walk suspended between water and the road. Then the camera pans through a road section suspended between dirt golf course roads. Then we reach and establishing shot of the area where the film will take place. In this part we are greeted with the gate entrance. Then the camera pans through the inside of apartment zone. Then we studently stop and get an establishing shot of victims apartment. Soon we a greeted with an over the shoulder shot of the victim talking to his dad. He proceeds to talk more with his father then asks if he may go to the basketball court. father agrees, victim begins walking out the door. Then he walks towards basketball court. Once he arrives at the basketball court he proceeds to start shooting shoots .

title reserch: IT

Now onto the final movie of this series. IT is a very interesting movie. Lets begin with the title. It is another movie with the classic horror movie trop of making the title red. Horror movies do this to insinuate danger and urgency or in this case to frighten you. Most of the time you won't see someone screaming on the sight of the color red but you will subconsciously be more active alert and jittery. There are 2 main images that i can gather from the opening. One showing Georgie in a yellow raincoat. I can see the curiosity in his eye the innocence in his face. I already knew he was going to be the victim. the other picture was of a clownish figure hanging out in the sewer. through his weird scary cynical demeanor i already knew this was going to be the antagonist/killer. The film also establishes a great feel of a horror genre in a multitude of ways. One, the music creates lots of suspense making the audience itself quite anxious. Second,  would be the fact that the boy is pre

Title research: US

 Next movie on the list Us. Now during the opening sequence you will see the title of the movie followed by the people who worked on the movie in all red. I believe that this was intentional. I say this due to the fact that humans have a very strange relationship with the color red. red the color of blood translate to the human brain as a sight of danger. Therefore with that slight inclusion on the titles behalf the director was trying to get us in the mood by making us tense and anxious. Images that struct as if they were being stress in the opening scene were the close ups of the little girls face. it looked as tho she felt something was looking at or looking for her. the film i believe was pretty good at establishing the feelin of horror and they did that with a couple of different methods. 1 of which is the background music they use to set the mood. Another is the really dark setting. lastly at the end of the opening scene is where you would see the seclusion of the little girl. ev

Title reserch: scream

 So now its time for the title research on scream.  Now i don't know if there is no titles in the opening sequence or if the videos I watch don't contain them. For the sake of this blog I'm just going to assume that there was no titles in the opening sequence. with that being said lets move on to the opening scene and its images. Right of the bat you can see one of the distressed woman. Notice that she is all by herself at night in a secluded portion of her house. All of which is conveniently going along with the conventions of the horror genre. Now you can see another one of the destressed woman on the phone taking a gander outside . This is where you can better see how dark it is and how secluded she is. I've have noticed that horror films usually do a lot of tracking movements. With that being said this film didn't lack in that department. It is common place in horror for you to find close up shots and I saw some in this film as well. the scenery in the film is k

Title research: My bloody valentine

 Time to begin my blog on the research of the bloody valentine. Now funny thing is in the opening scene i don't recall seeing titles anywhere. Let me be frank I didn't see any titles at all. With that being said i sis see plenty other things. One such thing is the dark and secluded area of the opening sequence. This perfectly goes along with the theme of horror. In addition to that we are greeted with the killer in this opening sequence. The killer also makes a killing with one of the standard conventions of horror, cutlery to be exact. These images contain connotations in which im going to explain. first the scene image constructs the mood of the movie basically giving us the vibe and leaving an imprint of the tone of the movie. The killing scene picture shows what type of movie it is . IT shows how much the movie panders to the theme. If you didn't already know the theme is horror. The movie establishes a feeling of horror through a few different mediums. first the settin

Hiatus is still pending...

So current my hiatus from filming is still going. I would have started filming by now but I've had some complications that came up. Most of them came due to my general current situation. I've already explain some of my issues in previous blog.. but due to elaboration purposes I will do it again. one of the reasons i haven't filmed yet is because I'm behind on work for my classes. the good thing is i am almost caught up so that's nice. This catching up issue is the main limitation I have. Due to this problem i have to pushback the start date of my filming. This in turn will make the amount of days I have to film smaller. This means that to meet the deadline the project will probably be a little rushed. Another problem is because i simply don't get enough rest. This is due to my long and exhausting daily schedule. Due to that my focus is very low and I'm constantly tired causing me not to complete as much work as I need to be making this catch up time frame ta

Genre research: action

ELEMENTS • This major genre type includes films that have tremendous impact, continuous high energy, lots of physical stunts and activity, possibly extended chase scenes, races, rescues, battles, martial arts, mountains and mountaineering, destructive disasters ELEMENTS THAT DOESN’T APPEAL There is very little to no comedic relief and most if not all the film maintains a serious outlook SETTINGS • Setting can also be wildly drastic PROPS • Props in action value can differ vastly MAKE-UP • Many variations in terms of makeup The info above is part of a PP project I did a long time ago. Back then we as a class were still trying to figure out what CLAMPS were. The teacher assigned this project to me and the other students. I presume the purpose was to deepen our understanding of CLAMPS but I don't know I'm just a student. The main objective of this project was to state a term then give a picture representing that term. The main goal was to deepen our understanding

Filming and editing blog 1

 So currently I'm supposed to be doing my filming and editing assignment. I decided to push that off for a couple days. you may ask why would I do that. The answer to that is simple, my grades. I have to get my grades right pronto because as of right now they are not looking to hot. You may ask how did they get in this situation in the first place. That's an question that I cant even give a clear concise response to. I believe it has something to do with me coming back to in person school. I could be very mistaken but it seems like that's one of the main reasons to the drop in my grades. Now I have to work 3 times as hard to get them where they once where. Currently I'm too held up at the moment to be filming. Once I do get started filming how ever I will have to work twice as hard. I doubt though that it will be as hard of a situation that I am dealing with now. I actually believe it will be leagues easier. Once I actually get to filming I promise to provide a plethora

Planning Blog: schedule

3/4/21- 3/5/21 Filming will occur and start on that day. I chose this day because its the last day of school leading into the weekend. I will film in accordance to my storyboard. I follow every box through every scene. 3/15/21 - 3/16/21 This is the day that filming should end. This will mean that the scenes entailing the killer will be done. I shall show the vids to my family too see if they like it. I shall redo the clips that look rather unpleasant. Then I will finish everything up and commence my editing portion the next day. 3/17/21-3/28/21 This is the point where editing should start. Editing should begin immediately after I finish filming. My main primary software program that I've been using was video leap  but I might try to use more software programs so to have more resources at my disposal. All of this will make my final work way better and as good as it could be. 3/29/21-4/1/21 By this time my work id done. Now that my movie is done its time too let my peers review my wo

Planning blog: health and safety

 well speaking on health and safety there is a  few precautions i set in place to reduce the or eliminate the chances of being hurt. Now i doubt that we will have to use these precautions but its nice to have them anyway.  the first  precaution is that i have a phone and i can quickly call 911 if need be. That is if and only if the situation goes to an extreme. thanks to my mom though we have first aid equipment. This includes but are not limited to alcohol gauze Band-Aids and bandages. There will be many scenes  to wear I the actor will be holding a knife. My mother will keep watch and supervise me while this happens. This is to ensure i don't hurt myself or anyone around me. one last precaution I will be doing is using a knife thats been slightly dulled. the knife can still cut but its been dulled to to the amount of usage its seen.

Planning Blog: paticipents

 Actors Djonucci Stjuste(me )  Brother(sibling) sister(sibling) dad(father) mom(mother) Filming Djonucci stjuste(me) brother(sibling) Editing Djonucci Stjuste(me) Directing Djonucci Stjuste(me) makeup artist N/a safety team Djonucci stjuste(me)

Planning blog: Location

 Location For the location of this film i have a few ideas of where i could take this video. If I'm being honest I have the whole neighborhood but let me specify which parts of the neighborhood. well  know that one good place that I could place my opening scene is outside the gate of my apartment complex. Another good location could be one of the golf courses on either side of the apartment complex I live in. I also think that inside the apartment complex would be a great location to have part of the film. I think it would be a cool idea to have the inside of the apartment that I live in in the film. A of this moment I don't know for sure if I will include a in house scene but I'm thinking about it. I could also use the parking lot in front of my apartment if the movie calls for it. After that that's all locations I can pretty much use. I could use more but it would have been too straining  considering the fact that I want to stay as close to home as possible.

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

 So, I went on the website looking for how the characters make their titles. I was trying to see if it would give me an article detailing it step by step. I was very mistaken and couldn't be anymore wrong. I stepped in the site and saw many boxes with titles on them like feature film, and tv shoes. Naturally I explored around and i saw a plethora of articles speaking on the title production process as well as focusing on well acclaimed  individuals in this field. I learned a lot through this website. The piece of info that stuck with me was atmosphere can mean a lot when making a title. I also read about how in the making of silent hill they typography with the movie scene took about a month. I mention previously about atmosphere, well the movie i got that from was " Vikings". it stated that " Atmosphere is the primary responsibility of a good title sequence "  which stuck with me the most out of everything I read. i will be sure to use this knowledge and try to